News about Granjeros FC
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News about Granjeros FC

Granjeros FC Transfers - Granjeros FC

Treviño buy to Granjeros FC with a contract of 66,098,981 seasons.

Granjeros FC Transfers - Granjeros FC

S. Beck buy to Granjeros FC with a contract of 69,000,000 seasons.

Granjeros FC Transfers - Granjeros FC

Maínz accepts the contract offer of Granjeros FC.

Granjeros FC Transfers - Granjeros FC

Surita accepts the contract offer of Granjeros FC.

Granjeros FC Transfers - Granjeros FC

The Granjeros FC hires to Taborda.

Granjeros FC Transfers - Granjeros FC

Terrazas accepts the contract offer of Granjeros FC.

Granjeros FC Change of leader at Super League 10-42.

Change of leader in the Super League 10-42. Now commands the Granjeros FC.